





Midwest Feeders takes pride in being a customer oriented feedyard.  Our goal is to produce the highest quality beef with the lowest input costs and to help our customers market their cattle at the highest market price available.  We are an ideally sized feedyard that is large enough to be extremely competitive, yet small enough that we can be in touch with your personal feeding needs.   

Listed below are a few of the services we provide:

Cattle Financing
Feed Financing
Cattle Procurement
Risk Management

A few of our advantages:

Excellent Feed Conversions
Attentive Cattle Health Management
Excellent Cost of Grains
State of the Art Pen Design
Modern Feed Mills and Feed Delivery
Excellent Grain Production Area
Within 40 Miles of 3 Major Packers
Ability to Sell Live or on a Grid Basis
Ideal Cattle Feeding Climate
Aggressive Pen Maintenance
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